
The RRRM Ideation Session at WRF’23 (September 6th Tuesday, 11:00-12:30 CET)

The RRRM Ideation Session at WRF’23 (September 6th Tuesday, 11:00-12:30 CET)
The RRRM's ideation session at WRF’23 will be held on September 6th, between 11:00-12:30 CET.

Format: In-Person Interactive Lab Session (Geneva) 

This ideation session will explore what a common expectation of due diligence for recycled metals value chains could look like. Currently, in Voluntary Sustainability Standards, where materials inputs are identified as coming from recycled metal sources, the requirements tend to be limited to confirming it is recycled metal content and then further due diligence is not required. With the expansion of due diligence legislation globally and rising expectations from manufacturers and end users of metals for better evidence that people and the environment were not harmed in the production of metal materials, this interactive session will use breakout groups to explore some of the elements that make up an effective due diligence process. These include:  

1. Management System: Do typical Management system elements need to be adjusted for recycling value chains? What are the key elements that need to be in place and how far can these expectations apply up stream to the sources of recycled metals? Relevant elements include: Recycled metals policy, management accountabilities, resources, roles and responsibilities, controls and chain of custody in relation to ESG performance information, including traceability and understanding limits to traceability, engagement with suppliers/value chain, grievance mechanisms  

2. Risk Assessment: What are the key risks across recycled metals value chains? How do these differ for pre- and post-consumer metals?  Relevant elements include: known supply information, potential location, supplier or circumstantial, ‘red flags’ which would require enhanced DD.  

3. Risk Response and Mitigation: What is a reasonable expectation of risk management action plans, ESG practices and performance, incentives/disincentives, and monitoring performance at different stages of recycled metals value chain? 

4. Verification and Assurance: What types and options of assurance would best apply at different stages of the value chain?: e.g. community monitoring, media reports, worker voices, self-assessments, transparent reporting, grievance reporting, third party audits, etc.? And what should be expected from different supply chain actors? 

5. Reporting requirements: What is a reasonable baseline public reporting expectation in relation to policy, practices and performance at the different stages of the recycling value chain?  

The session participants are invited to consider differences in expectations between supply chain actors (smaller/less formal to larger/more formal). The RRRM recognises that there are multiple complex supply chains for different metals and is seeking to identify a common baseline expectation. Any key differences between particular commodities identified should be noted. Participants are also invited to identify best practices and any relevant case studies they are aware of.  

Discussions around the selected DD elements using structured questions will be facilitated in breakout groups, and participants will reconvene with a rapporteur being invited to share the insights from their group. Short discussions on each selected element will enable other participants to share their views.  

Please note that not all the DD elements may be able to be covered in the session. All are welcome and participants are particularly invited to join this session if they have knowledge of metals supply chains and risks, including collection and processing. 

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